Sunday, April 23, 2006

Reclining lotta

Lotta in soft pencil

few to play

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Gmail and travelling

the chain mail starts
Originally uploaded by sigh clone.
I must admit i like gmail it is simple it doesn't require me being well orgainsed (a big plus) and it works from almost any cyber cafe... so it is great for travellers

The only trouble is the massive capacity it gives you i now have over 1000 unread emails... its not that I ingore people its just that I gave up looking at chain mail (particularly the ones with FWD: at the front of the subject line)... there are two reasons I'm paying for the time when I'm in a cyber cafe and that cute cat that goes meow probably cost me a couple of dollars and considerable frustration... secondly a lot of the images aren't feline pussies and they might offend the other cafe patrons... so i seldom read what looks like a chain mail or multi-forwarded post... so don't be dissapointed when i break the chain... that is the reality of living in low bandwidth zones

Thursday, April 20, 2006

post modern sex... some light relief

I'm getting pretty jaded about all the "me to" celebrities (that are not) on flickr, yahoo and much of the blogsphere... self publishing has not unlocked originality it has just expanded conformity...

well there are original folk out there and I think I should spend at least one post a month promoting that originality.... so here goes... I happened upon a great podcast series... I'm getting quiet fond of podcasts, they let you listen to what you want when you want... but this is a very unique podcast by a self confessed geek, and all about post modern sex... it is honest and simply great.. showing that there is a big difference between appreciating real sexuality and the total boredom that pornographers want you to pay for, or what the "me too" celebrity thinks will gain then fame

Marie B does need a bit of cyber clicking support... please visit her site, listen to a podcast or two and then vote for her on podcast alley... We need more originality on the net

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Barmaids - May cover comes a little early

Barmaids - May cover
Originally uploaded by sigh clone.
Photo by Tantek
The idea of using "faux" magazine covers as link to buttons on the right hand side... has certainly tidied up my blog layout... well i'm pleased with it at least and i'm seeting up this a it early as I am planning a phine and internet free R&R period for myself (I deserve it I've been travelling)

It has also been had a great benefit in posting the covers... as a reall nice way to promote the barmaids group in flickr...

so guys (and girls if you want to promote yourself) next time you are out use that fancy new phone camera you have just procured and post your favourite barmaid's photo, if you don't have such a phone yet... grab someone else's... they are only talking on it to impress you anyway

yes you can email into flickr directly from most recent camera phones

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

back to basics

sketching from webcam is fun... and it lets me see personality... instead of worrying about copying detail... a littel song bird friend in pencil

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

Dye Job
Originally uploaded by Nikita Kashner.
this was posted on flickr by a friend... i loved it so much here it is... enjoy your choccy eggs & the holidays ;)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Sunny Sophia

The Centre of Sophia reminds me a lot of Melbourne... and it's more than just the trams... the coffee is great, well if you like short blacks and plenty of good places to get some... (NOT a starbucks in sight... yet i guess!)

Maybe its the light... maybe... i don't know but it sure changes quickly as you get out of town into the rows and rows of dull brown and grey buildings that are the big legacy of the russian presence all over eastern europe.

The rest of europe is still in very unsettled weather but after a cool morning it is glorious here...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

some more art by request

This a rescan... after a rewash... from the busty nurse series... she is such a delight

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Do you like the new colour scheme

Just wondering if anyone would like to comment on the new colour scheme and layouts.... I felt the green was becoming boring and the slate grey lets the colours of my watercolours stay true in tone and intensity... also the stuff on the right hand side had become cluttered and boring so i've tried to unify and simplify it a bit...

The new (mock) magazine covers are a bit of fun... think of then as big buttons... click on then and they will take to interesting places

Pencil sketch of yoko

Originally uploaded by sigh clone.
I'm travelling.... but that doesn't mean i stop sketching... the trouble is how to scan the result (actually it is no trouble, just use my digital camera... and this one just needed the pencil to add a balance to the composition)

rescan of my pencil sketch

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Phone me @ midnight, for free internet... yes absolutely free!

I have for some time been looking for the right place to set up my long term cartoon project, an on-line cartoon bar on the net itself. Regular folks can attend via suitable web portals but must assume a comic book character style avatar on entry. It was to be called Club Zero.

After a long search for the right ISP to host this I stumbled on a very interesting phenomena, but lets start where the story begins, Whilst traveling in the southern pacific last year I came across a beautiful uncharted set of tiny islands at lat -6.160990°long 179.991670°
clubzero's new home
It was a beautiful spot, i spent the better part of a day there. I also accidentally left behind an old satellite phone still hooked up to a radio transmitter and solar powered recharger. It was most likely behind a rock or somewhere not so obvious and didn't miss them until a few weeks later (too late to return)
Amazing it still answers the phone and lets me control the radio. The only good signals I can get are on american samoa, about 3° south and 10° to the west. Luckily there are an a couple of unsecured WiFi node, called afdj1 & afdj1 there and I can get internet access. All pretty amazing but only the start of the story...

Back to the hunt for an ISP, I was drawn to the many affordable domian registrations options available through Tovalu, which also happend to have the domain so was born... Now if I manage to time my call to my satetlite phone perfectly, just afters it's local midnight, and connect to the hotspot in american samoa which takes under 2 seconds, then connect to my website in Touvalu another 2 seconds, I have two entries on the interent to establish my session but the start is in yesterday and the response to it is in tomorrow (with respect to the inital request). You see the signal is travelling back and forth across the date line, once by radio and back by the net. All works well except on the internets central bandwidth billing site. The one day time difference causes the session to be dumped as an error, and while i can stay connected without much difficulty, it is is prefectly free for the rest of that session. So come and say hello at the club some time soon and i might even share my access number and the afdj codes.