Thursday, August 28, 2008

one of the 365 days of Candy Snap

A fellow melbournian, candysnap is an accomplished film director, photographer , new media guru and prominent twitterer, but best of all she is now our official International Digital Entertainment Festival Co-Ordinator.

Keep your eye out for her work.

candysnap with yellow flower
watercolour on paper

Sunday, August 17, 2008

still doodling

still sketchingthose torso ...marker pens and watercolour

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A little time out

seems i have a few medical issue to attend to if i want to keep my vision which i do ... so it could be a few weeks before I get up the courage to tackle the interwebz again ... don't despair I intend to be back ... and sketching more than ever

Sunday, August 03, 2008

a study of rosebud

rosebud lowry study, originally uploaded by sigh clone.

watercolour on paper

Saturday, August 02, 2008

media monkey in ...itunes out

I have had a stressful few days .. I like music and love my ipod and mp3.. I am ever so slowly converting my CD collection into MP3s ... for a while now (ok exactly after I let my ipod play with a borrowed apple computer) it has been as sulky and uncommunicative as any teenager ... recently it hasn't wanted to download podcasts (I enjoy podcasts, most probably because you can listen too them when you want) and the ones it has downloaded have become hidden under the music parts of my ipod which means I can't delete them from itune (and while there, why the heck can't you delete files from the ipod menu? or are we being protected from oursleves in the clasic appline ways) .. ok to cut the long story short I decided to upgrade my Itunes to version 7.7 (it had been nagging me to do so for a while)... ok ok, I should have type "itunes 7.7 problems" into google first and seen the thousands of angry items... but hey it seemed like a good idea at the time ... I'll spare you every detail but the update crashed and attempte to reload it got the repair or unistall response (even though i clicked on install) and neither of those worked either> Then many hours later I found some wisdom that I had to download an install cleanup routine from mircosoft then re-install itunes (I will not give all the messy details, my advice is JUST DO NOT UPGRADE to Itunes Version 7.7 on a pc)... then the TRAGICALLY BAD BIT ... my entire music library was trashed!

Then a friend said try media monkey. Less than ten minutes later the software was downloaded, the ipod talking to the computer ... and media monkey was sifting through my Mp3s making them look like a library again, and I have selected a wicked PSP like skin on the monkey media player... but there is one down side I haven't got media monkey scrobbling to yet! ...such is life

Friday, August 01, 2008

torso time again

Watercolour on Paper

Art on technology ...just got closer

Regular readers will know I have been rabitting on for a while about the need to get more original art onto the many screens that make up out interaction with that thing called the internet ...only there is more too it than that ... the many devices and style of communication we have today is instant and all embracing but it is sterile and cold ... it has no soul ... ok some myspace and facebook sites can be over-loaded with too much kitch paraphernalia, but unfortunately most of that is mass copied, generally without the original creators permission ...well I do think there is a better way ... and so i have created a mobilephone friendly online sketckbook over at tumblr.

My works that I place here are all covered by a CC (creative commons) license, so you are free to copy and use them for private purposes, such as a screen wallpaper on your phone (but you can not use then for any commercial purpose, like including them in something for sale or where they are display on a site that earns you advertising revenue etc). But please seek permission from sigh and the models concerned if you with to display them on a website, blog homepage. It will generally be granted.

Creative Commons License

If you have a mobilephone or iphone with WAP or WiFi access, point its browser at the following address. That's all that is required.

Alternatively if your phone can read QRcodes aim its camera at the code below